Please note:
For each class that will perform in the concert in December, a costume is purchased specifically for your child. To assist with the cost of this for parents, a levy is charged over Terms 1, 2 and 3. This is a compulsory lay-by system for the student’s costume so that parents do not face additional costs in November.
In the rare case that your child will not be participating in the concert, and you notify the office of this BEFORE the start of Term 3, you will be entitled to a refund of all levies paid. Costume levies must be paid at the same time as class tuition each term.
Costume Levies will only be added to your statement in Terms 1, 2 and 3. In Term 4, you will only be charged for tuition and the Concert Participation Bundle as the levies will have been covered in the first 3 terms.
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